WPG Americas Inc.


Quality Assurance

Quality Policy

WPG Americas Inc. is committed to satisfying our Customer’s Requirements by meeting our stated Quality Objectives for Customer Satisfaction by complying with statutory, regulatory and customer’s requirements through continual process improvement.

Our quality objectives are periodically reviewed by senior management and are communicated to all employees within the organization.

Quality Management System Certifications

The WPG Americas Inc. Quality Management System is certified to the AS9120B & ISO 9001:2015 Standard Requirements for Aviation, Space and Defense Distributors.  This certification covers the CA, AZ and MS locations only.

ESD Compliance

We have an ESD Program in compliance with ANSI/ESD S20-2007 and Standard JEDEC625.

Counterfeit Prevention

Export Control

In support of national security, U.S. and global efforts to fight the battle against terrorrism, and the legal responsibilities and business of this company, WPG Americas has implemented export control procedures that all company employees are required to follow.

Conflict Free Minerals

Tantalum, tungsten, tin and gold are widely used metals by the electronics industry. WPG Americas Inc. is concerned that these minerals are extracted from military conflict regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries recognized worldwide for human rights violations and environmental degradation.

As an electronic distributor, WPG Americas Inc. does not condone the use of any such “conflict minerals“ in the products which we distribute, and we communicate this policy to our suppliers. WPG Americas Inc. promotes the traceability of these minerals and the transparency of the supply chains.

We have integrated the present Conflict Minerals policy into WPG America’s Code of Conduct, which articulates the company’s strong commitment to ethical business principles and promoting human rights and environmental protection. WPG Americas Inc. values product suppliers that implement equally high standards.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

Annually we send out our customer survey to a sample of our customers in order to understand their perception on our quality.

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