Bolb is a semiconductor manufacturer located in Livermore, CA, established in 2014. Bolb is the WORLD’S ONLY UV-C LED manufacturer utilizing fully emission-transparent epi. Bold has developed and patented breakthrough technologies to enable ‘never before possible’ disinfection systems for air, water, surfaces, and food to scale on a global basis to benefit human health and increase productivity in key verticals with the objective to preserve valuable resources. Bolb’s Patented Chip Structure is what enables them to achieve Efficiencies 200% Higher than the closest competitors! Their new LED produces a wavelength of 265nm averaging a UVC output of 100mw@250mA with 10,000 hours L70.
Product Categories
S6060 SMD >
S6060-TL SMD >
S3535 SMD >
UVC LED Arrays
1×1 HEX Board S6060 >
2×2 S6060 Array >
5×5 S6060 Array >
1×12 S6060 Array New >
Custom Array – Contact Us >
Technical Resources

Application efficiency using Bolb’s UV-B LED’s now easily exceeds conventional sources.